Malayalam Holy Communion Service

Event details

  • Sunday | November 5, 2023
  • 10:15 am
  • 1085 Camphill Rd Ft. Washington, PA 19034

This Sunday, November 5th we will have Malayalam Holy  Communion Service at  10: 15 am.  Our Vicar Rev. Biju P. Simon will be leading the service.  

Our Sunday School starts at 9 am. While the Sunday School  is going on there will be Bible Study short intercessory prayer in the sanctuary from 9:30 am  to 10 am.  Following the Sunday School, church service will start at 10:15 am. 

1. Social Hour will be held in our parish hall after the worship service

2 . The Parish Executive Committee reserves the right to change  COVID protocols, depending on the changes to any Montgomery County and CDC requirements.