
Our Member Mr. Chacko K. Chacko (88 yrs) (Acct # 143, Madya Pally Bhagam) passed away on December 19th, 2024.  On behalf of our parish we express our heartfelt condolences to his wife Mrs.Ammini Chacko, his children, Daughter Ani and Son Jacob and his 3 Grandchildren. Please keep the bereaved...

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Very sad news to announce, that our member Mrs. Mariam Mathew (Molly aunty) 73 years old ( Northeast area prayer group,  Acct # 388) passed away  on Dec 14th, 2024 @ 3 AM at their home in Philadelphia. On behalf of our parish we express our heartfelt condolences to her Husband  Mr. Mathew Zacharaiah and...

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Very sad news to announce that our member Mrs. Ponnamma Thomas (82 yrs), (Acct # 205, Madhya Pally Bhagam prayer group) passed away October 9th, 2024  On behalf of our parish we express our heartfelt condolences to her Husband Mr. Thomas Thomas , daughter Mrs. Sangeetha Thomas & Son-in-law Mr. Jolly Thomas  and...

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Very sad news to announce, that our member Mr. Presad Abraham (67 yrs) (Account #8, Broomall prayer group) passed away Tuesday September 17th, 2024.  On behalf of our parish we express our heartfelt condolences to his wife Mrs. Susamma Abraham, children Mr. Percy Abraham and Family and Mrs. Pressy Abraham and Family,...

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George T. Komatt


Very sad news to share that our member Mr. George T. Komatt (89 years)  (Acct #56. Bucks County prayer group) passed away Tuesday Dec 5th at 6:54pm. Komatt Uncle was a very active member of the parish , serving in many roles such as Treasurer and committee member of the parish, and...

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MTC Philadelphia Sevika Sanghom won the 2nd Prize for Bible Quiz at the Southeast Region Center B Meeting last Sunday November 12th, 2023

Mar Thoma Church Philadelphia Sevika Sangham won the 2nd Prize for Bible Quiz at Southeast Region Center B Meeting held at the Christos Mar Thoma Church, Philadelphia last Sunday November 12th, 2023.  Congratulations to the Bible Quiz team. May God continue to Bless our Sevika Sanghom and their ministry. 

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Dear Parish members, Very sad to announce that our member Mr. Abraham M. Geevarghese(75 yrs) (Acct # 301, Ebenezer prayer group) passed away this morning. Funeral details are pending. The family would like to hold a prayer meeting this evening at 7pm at their home located at 33 River Lane,...

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